Bulldog Bites

News and Views from the University of Redlands

An expression of gratitude and optimism

威尼斯人平台董事会的代表——主席利兰·C. Launer Jr., Past Chair Carole Beswick, and Chair Emeritus Richard N. 费舍尔和大学社区分享了他们的想法 announcement of Ralph and Nancy Kuncl’s plans to retire from their roles in the University presidency.

By now you have seen President Ralph Kuncl’s announcement 关于他和南希即将从11队退休的计划th 自本学年结束时起生效.  作为现任和前任大学董事会主席,其连续的主席任期与拉尔夫的总统任期重叠, we are joining in this letter to express personally, and on behalf of the Board of Trustees, our gratitude for Ralph’s nine years of exemplary, visionary, and energetic service as President of the University.  我们希望我们能延长拉尔夫的总统任期, 但我们完全理解拉尔夫和南希在人生这个阶段的决定.  我们非常感谢他们提前通知他们的计划,这将给大学时间来计划和执行校长领导权的顺利过渡.

With their announced transition, 我们不禁回想起拉尔夫和南希被招募成为终身斗牛犬的开始, back in 2011-12.  In that presidential search, 我们有幸收到了数百份来自高素质候选人的申请, including several sitting presidents of other colleges.  However, 拉尔夫的简历和最终的面试基本上让这个过程对他有利, 因为他作为国际知名医学学者和成功的大学教务长的杰出经历,加上他的倾听和沟通技巧,以及明显的高智商和良好的判断力,使遴选委员会和董事会立即达成一致,我们必须选择他.  我们现在希望并相信拉尔夫所做出的贡献和实施的改进将使我们的大学对未来的继任者更具吸引力.

Over the years since that auspicious beginning, 拉尔夫展现了创造性和远见卓识的领导才能,这使他的总统任期真正与众不同.  It will now be up to all of us to continue his visions for the South Campus-University Village rail project and related residential/commercial development; for the San Francisco Theological Seminary and the opportunities it has opened in the Bay Area; for the focus upon international students and general student interest in international studies; and for the numerous other key initiatives that promise to serve and enhance the educational experience provided by this University.

We are also grateful for Ralph’s leadership in initiatives and achievements that will sustain the University for decades to come:  doubling the size of the University’s endowment; the launch and near-completion of the largest comprehensive campaign in the University’s history, followed in tandem by the ongoing Bulldog Athletics Campaign; his financial and planning skills and foresight with liquidity funding, cash management, and accumulation of reserves that greatly cushioned the need for additional measures affecting employees as we weather the financial impacts of the Covid epidemic; Ralph’s medical expertise as we navigate toward gradually reopening the Redlands campus in the wake of the epidemic, while extending in our graduate and professional schools the successful remote and online learning innovations of recent months; and his student-focused leadership in increasing student financial aid resources, 除了个人指导外,他还为学生提供了丰富的学习经验和未来的机会.

拉尔夫招募并指导了一个由内阁成员组成的优秀行政团队来领导大学的主要职能, 多年来,我们增加了领导团队的多样性. 这增加了为大学不断增长的少数民族和第一代学生提供服务的包容性能力.  And, as if that were not enough, 在他担任总统期间,他在他的医学专业领域完成了13篇同行评审的出版物, while also generously giving his time to confer with students, employees, trustees, and others undergoing serious personal or family medical challenges. 

We have also been so very well served by Nancy’s active engagement, not only as the welcoming leader, gracious hostess, and steward of the Miraflores president’s house, 更重要的是,她与大学各主要选区建立了积极和鼓舞人心的志愿者关系, including the Board of Trustees.  We appreciate her successful partnering with Ralph in fundraising, 并代表威尼斯人平台进行独立的关键筹款活动.

As we now move forward, 校董会不久将成立一个校长遴选委员会,协助校董会在全国范围内招募和挑选12名校长th President of the University.  In that initiative, 目标将是确定和招募合适的优秀个人,以继续保持拉尔夫·昆科尔主席的高标准业绩和变革影响.

我们期待拉尔夫在本学年的平衡中继续成功地领导, and, along with Ralph, 我们对威尼斯人平台的未来充满乐观.

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